Candice Maluleke: Property Finance Specialist at ABSA Private Bank

[I would like to be remembered as] Someone who worked her butt off, funny, playful and was highly invested in her work and colleagues.

Q1: When did you join The Grind? How did you get to know about the Foundation?

A1: I got the opportunity to join The Grind Foundation in 2019. I was introduced by Hamilton Ndlovu who had spoken highly of the Foundation, its brotherhood, what it stands for and the social impact it is making in disadvantaged communities. The main reason why I joined was to open myself to a bigger group that has far more experience than I did in building a successful and impactful foundation. Plus the fact that they were interested in sponsoring the foundation that I was growing/developing and were willing to give a helping hand in assisting financially - which I will forever be grateful for.

Q2: Tell us about your career journey and where you are today.

A2: Well, unlike most people, my career chose me and not the other way around. In fact, I would say it’s all totally Grace. I have been working for Absa Private bank as their home loans Property Finance Specialist for the past 15 years. LOL, that sounds like my whole entire life ☺

I totally enjoy my work and it’s rewarding in so many ways.

Q3: What personal sacrifices have you had to make in your career?

A3: TIME!! I am married to my work, I find myself having to work 10 to 12 hours a day, which takes a lot away from my personal time. As a result, my personal life takes a knock in a very bad way as I neglect family and self-care.

Q4: Looking back on the past 2 years, what has been the impact of Covid-19 on you and your family, as well as the way you work? 

A4:  Looking at the past 2 years, I found myself very frustrated with my work situation and the long hours I had to invest to keep afloat, at the same time I counted my blessings countless times as I have been very fortunate to have been in a better position than most people to have work. Emotionally, I had to hold some colleagues, friends and family members’ hands during this time due to income loss and loss of loved ones - it was too much of a strain at times.

Q5: How do you see the industry in which you work change post-Covid?

A5: We still have a long way to go until we can say we are on our way to recovery. The market has changed drastically in the past two years, and we are yet to feel the impact of it in the next coming years if the economy stimulus plans do not pan out the way the government set it out.

Q6: What would you like to be remembered for - what type of legacy would you like to leave?

A6: Someone who worked her butt off, funny, playful and was highly invested in her work and colleagues.

Q7: As we wrap up the year and reflect on where we are, are you happy with what you achieved this year?

A7: I am very happy with what I have achieved, a lot of lessons learned, and I think more lessons to be learned in the coming year. I am hoping to be a better person and mom to my kids.

Q8: Which fictional character do you resonate with, and why?

A8: Superwoman ☺ Gorgeous, strong, focused, intuitive and ready to take on the world!

Grind Feed: Candice Maluleke


Elaine Mabiletsa


Jessica Mamelasigidi